Even thought the cost has been family and friends, YES we are happy and glad to know TTATT! The benifits out weigh the cost.
Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever)
i am so thankful that i was able to learn the truth about the truthtm (ttatt).
i owe everything in my life to having left watchtower corp: my education, my position as a college professor, being able to write and publish, travel, family life, my beautiful children, being able to be openly gay -- and happy.
unlike those closeted homosexuals in the truthtm, i do not have to be afraid to be who i am.
Even thought the cost has been family and friends, YES we are happy and glad to know TTATT! The benifits out weigh the cost.
Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever)
i heard a rumour today to the effect that there is a new gb member in his late twenties/early thirties.
i stress that this is unsubtantiated and requires confirmation or quashing.. can anyone confirm or definately deny it?.
With a GB member that young they would have along time to rethink things and keep the publishing company in business. Just think of the video games they could now present to the public, and how the video games would keep young JW's from investigating TTATT!
Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I Will surrender my mind no more, forever)
i'm posting here to say farewell to a friend who for all i know died a jw.
this won't be easy because i'm crying as i post this.
i lost touch with this friend maybe 20 or more years ago and didn't know she had died until today.
A big man hug from me also. It is so sad to loose people we love and have feelings for, it's even sader when that family is still attached to this crazy cult.
Christian love
Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my no more, forever)
nice to "meet" you all :).
i have been reading this forum for maybe a month now, and it has helped me answer alot of questions that i have had, and i must say i am extremely glad i found this forum, so full of information!.
i'll tell my story, i'll try to keep it short.. i grew up with my whole family being jw.
unfamiliar: Welcome. My advice to you is to continue to learn about TTATT, information is the greatest weapon we have. When it comes to your family, patience. The biggest tree in the world startyed with only a small seed! Stay on the forum and continue to reard and WRITE things down so that you can remember them later. Best wishes
Christian love
Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever)
currently from houston, tx, but spent most of my life in chicago.
i've never had an opportunity to just get this out... so i apologize for the long-windedness in advance... .
i spent the first 17 years of my life in a jw home, then the real world caught up to me.
Welcome. I do hope life continues in a good direction for you!
Christian Love
Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever)
well so far it is a fantastic day!
i know my grandma isn't going to call me like she does every year to say she is happy i was born.
you know the jw form of wishing someone a happy birthday.
Sparlock looks pissed
a recent thread about this week's study of the watch tower society's god's word for us through jeremiah led me to decide to review how much of the bible book of jeremiah is actually considered in that publication.. unlike other watch tower society verse-by-verse considerations of some bible books, their jeremiah book instead purports to impart lessons 'for us'.
key scriptures in jeremiah contradict jw doctrine, so a verse-by-verse approach was out of the question, probably having learned from their daniel and isaiah efforts that expose problems with jw interpretations.. one good feature of the watchtower library on cd-rom is you can search for a scripture, then find all the search occurences for where that scripture has been cited in jw publications, which made the process much easier.. in god's word for us through jeremiah, much of the bible book of jeremiah is ignored altogether.
in fact, less than half of the bible book is mentioned at all, and only 16% of jeremiah is actually quoted (including portions with the instruction to "read" the cited verses.
Exactly Jeffro. If you had read that other thread carefully you would have seen and understood the question. It is not the U.N. that destroys Babylon the Great, all I did was refer to a scripture that shows it's God who destroys Babylon the Great. ( In contrast to what Watchtower teaches) I find if very funny when people pick and choose what they want to, to make themselves out to be smarter than other people. This wont work with me. Again, Jeremiah has no bearing for us today, no matter who influenced its writing.
a recent thread about this week's study of the watch tower society's god's word for us through jeremiah led me to decide to review how much of the bible book of jeremiah is actually considered in that publication.. unlike other watch tower society verse-by-verse considerations of some bible books, their jeremiah book instead purports to impart lessons 'for us'.
key scriptures in jeremiah contradict jw doctrine, so a verse-by-verse approach was out of the question, probably having learned from their daniel and isaiah efforts that expose problems with jw interpretations.. one good feature of the watchtower library on cd-rom is you can search for a scripture, then find all the search occurences for where that scripture has been cited in jw publications, which made the process much easier.. in god's word for us through jeremiah, much of the bible book of jeremiah is ignored altogether.
in fact, less than half of the bible book is mentioned at all, and only 16% of jeremiah is actually quoted (including portions with the instruction to "read" the cited verses.
Jeffro: For a guy that says Revelation has no relivance for us today, you sure have gone though a lot of trouble posting this non relivant item for us. Either you beleive the bible or not you cannot have it both ways!!! Either it all has relevance or none of it has relevance!! The book of Jeremiah is ancient history and has no bearing for us today! These are your words not mine.
The next time you wish to blast someone for useing a scripture in Revelation, think twice. Dude.
Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever)
just mulling over the demise of religion in general as we humans progress away from fear of the unknown.. i was wondering when some country or group will try to outlaw religion.
then i recalled how an all out attack on religion is what is supposed to trigger armageddon.
after 9/11 the first thing george bush said was that islam is not the problem, extremist terrorists are the problem.
Jeffro: Dude! What your point!! If you read carefully the scripture you will see that it is God who destroys both Babylon the Great and the Governments. Not the U.N. as Watchtower trash teaches. Revelation doesn't even mention McDonalds or Star Wars. Where did that come from? This is why I mentioned in another post you cannot have a logical conversation with most posters on this board. You have proven my point! Thank You!! Get a copy of the U.N. charter you will see as a NGO member they have to abide by the rules and regulations of the U.N. So who is it that dictates to any NGO member how they act or conduct them selves. It's the U.N. But I can see from other post of yours you LIKE to cause contentions! affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever) That includes you also Jeffro!!!
just mulling over the demise of religion in general as we humans progress away from fear of the unknown.. i was wondering when some country or group will try to outlaw religion.
then i recalled how an all out attack on religion is what is supposed to trigger armageddon.
after 9/11 the first thing george bush said was that islam is not the problem, extremist terrorists are the problem.
Revelation 16:19 is over looked by the WTBT$. "And the great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: ( past tense)and Babylon the Great was remembered in the sight of God,( current tense) to give her the cup of the wine of the anger of his wrath". NWT. Notice he progression of these events, first the cities fall, then Babylon the Great. Think about it. My thought is this, both are destroyed at the same time by God. If the U.N. destroys Babylon the Great before God destroys the cities ( Nations) then why would God even remember Babylon the Great if she has already been destroyed by the U.N.? If you look at the U.N. charter, they are about peace, and If the U.N.is going to destroy religion as the WTBT$ states then riddle me this? Why is the WTBT$ a member of the U.N. as a NGO? That tells me that they do not even believe what they teach!!! affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever)